ASUCI Senate Minutes
Thursday, October 13, 2011

 Minutes Oct 13, 2011

Call to Order: 507

Approval of minutes Mark/Neal

Approval to Agenda: Neal/ JDo

Attendance: 15 voting members

Public Comment: Horacio Cortes—B47-02 This event is asking for a lot of money during a time of budgetary constraints and it is irresponsible. These are burdens on students. The bill’s content is premature and needs further scrutiny.  It is too much of a risk to loan the money now and not have a guarantee of the money back. The by-laws state the condition that must be met must include at least one of the following—provide long term benefit, if it is a one-time expense that is necessary and vital, to add a position that is necessary and vital. This event is not deemed necessary and vital to UCI and needs thorough discussion.

Jonathon Dhauw—With much respect to Student Services , but $170,000 should not be pulled from reserves. New Boyz and Rejects and Dev are B-rated artists.  It isn’t certain that students won’t be actively supporting this.  Statistically, the artists that we have for shocktoberfest are much more popular than the concert artist we would be having and students are already complaining of shocktoberfest’s artists when it’s free.  What is the breakdown of the event’s expenses?  Shocktoberfest and Wayzgoose are much less than that. He Hopes to work for a more viable solution.

When will money be brought back—latest is Feb 25th

Old Business:  Avicci Concert ASUCI Reserve Funds Reallocation

Discuss for 15 minutes—Vikram/Mark

No matter who the artist, there will always be opposition.  Steve Aoki and Dev unable to make it. Avicii is the concert’s main headliner and build around the artist.

This event has potential of loss and huge gain—looking at $30,000  at just 1000 students and we’re looking to reach out to other campuses (not just UCI). 

People go to concerts for the concert experience.

Is it going to conflict with Soulstice? In contact with Avicii management? The two events are very different. Soulstice is to boost the moral of UCI students and showcase their talents. The concert is for the university as a whole.

Avicii management says that’s Feb 25th is the date he prefers.

We have the man power for both Soulstice and the concert.

How many people enter Shocktoberfest? 3500 hundred people.  This year we reached capacity and soldout overflow.

Ticketsales… Is there another source of revenue?   Look for big title sponsorships.

Tickets aren’t exclusively for UCI students. It includes all local university and colleges students.

Who do we hold accountable when we are unable to pay? Reserves didn’t have a set way of using money.

What data did you gather to know this would be profitable?  Interns and members of Student Services Suggest a survey.

Bruce/ Charlyn extended debate

$170,000 is a lot of money to ask and in times of California’s bad budget, students are getting hurt by it.

Avicii is not on the Top Billboard. Is he really that great of an artist?

Legislation is in a premature state and does not have accountability.

Popularity of the artist outside of campus is enough.

Bruce/ Evelyn

Idea of collaborating with EVP office for spreading awareness? The EVP and Student Serivces do not have enough funds to use what we had to collaborate and put this on.

We can make it an educational awareness with Avicii and combing efforts with awareness of campus issues is no problem.

Money is being pulled from Reserves and students are still being charged $35.

There are different types of reserves: reserves for student organizations for liability, reserves for UCI  Items to purchase more inventory, unrestricted reserves—money leftover at the end of the year is put in reserves

$1.5 million is currently in unrestricted reserves.

Is there a Plan B if we don’t get this money back?   We’re only focusing on marketing and don’t want to start planning when the concert isn’t certain yet.

Student Services’ goal is to continue enriching student life and it is needed for students to be invested back in the university. Turn down by fire marshall for possibly holding a concert in Aldrich Park.

We need to make sure we get the money back.

Negative feedback is coming from students who haven’t heard Avicii and those who have are confident that this concert will flourish.

Is it possible to have a copy of  student services plans in order to be more interactive and be walked through the planning process?

Update every week so the concert is more transparent.

Is this what the school really wants?

How can we get money for the future without having to pull from Reserves?

We can’t wait for the referendum to pass and it is a question to look into for future.

Feedback from friends—still pissed from removal of LARC so incentive to pay for Avicii is really low?

Breakdown of promotions? Do not heavily rely on outside visitors.

Not comfortable in asking for money in what may or may not happen.

Floor: Lisa/ Dillon

General Comment: wait til how Shocktoberfest turnout and base it from there.

We need to table it or maybe rewrite legislation to say what Plan B is.

3 options:

Table, Ammend it, Call to Question

Motion to Table Til Next Thursday: Lisa/Dillon

Bill is tabled til next Thursday.

New Business: ETech Committee Student Appointments

Representatives  are Jon Shubin, Dillon Gamboa, Michelle Vasquez

Floor: Mark Dillon

Friendly Amendment: Michelle Vasquez withdraws because she is unable to make that meeting. Weds Nov 2nd 10-11am

Friendly amendment is accepted

Question: Bruce/Mark

Vote by acclamation

Total Votes: 15 

Standing Committee Reports

Rules: applications are due tomorrow. Interview due Tuesday. Comment about item B47—Jboard is having a meeting and clarification regarding intentions  and following by-laws. We’ll know by Monday

Finance: Work on budget and fixing it.  Transfer everything and connecting with field. Expect soon

Public Info: Nothing new to report

Advocacy Committee: Nothing to report

Academic Affairs: Met with Law School

Meeting with Office of Student Conduct,  survey for all AS members and choose the event that gets the most , TGIF  accepting applications, Garden Initiative  event this Saturday.  Student Center Board—nominations. Stats for Vendor fair, still processing.

Academic Affairs: Oct 27th 7pm Pac Ballroom Eric Larson advocate for sustainability.  AMP partnership with SOAR center  go to grand opening.

Student Center: Sold out the Bren Guest tickets gone.

Rise of planet of Apes HIB 100, movie nights, athletic ralleys, avoid online because a lot of people got ticket but aren’t gonna go.


Campus Climate- Respect for Individuals—Student of Color Conference Nov 11-13th.  Help fund event.  Creating committee. Campus Climate Committee to discuss Irvine’s climate.

PResdient—all AS meetings twice a quarter  week 1 and week 9 more social

SPFB weds 4-6 need all receipts or no funding.

JBoard all applications are being reviewed and send it to council members.


Rules: Humanities added, Jboard meeting at 9am Monday Leg Council are invited exoficio application TBD, advertising contacted schools for applications?

Meeting Adjourned 7:54pm Bruce/Neil