ASUCI Senate Minutes
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I. Bureaucratic procedure

A.      Call to Order: 5:07pm

B.      Approval of Minutes: None to approve

C.      Approval of Agenda: Charlyn, Arnel

D.      Attendance: As of 5:08, 18

E.       Guest List: Dan Dooros

II. Public Comment:

Judicial Board acted on the elections privacy: there is an injunction on this legislation.

            Several fundamental flaws. Either Legislative Council agrees with JBoard. OR JBoard will hold a mandatory meeting where. R46-71.

            It directly disseminates JBoards powers. The wording is very broad. If legislative council isn't being silenced in visibility and JBoard is then it is being limited and suppressing its powers.


III. Old Business


IV. New Business

A. Item #89 R46-74

            Motion to pull to the floor James/Arellano

            Motion to call to question Jack/Arnel

            Motion to vote by acclimation Omeid/Arnel

            Motion passes by acclimation



V. Standing Committee Reports

A.      Rules: Applications for open spots on legislation

B.      Finance: One line descriptions should be done by today. Present work next Tuesday

C.      Public Info: Advertising for the town hall going on Thursday

D.      Committee on Committees: Looking for chair


VI. Special Committee Reports

A.      Parking and Transportation: Meeting with Dan

B.      Housing and Dining: None

C.      Retention Committee: None

D.      Marketing Committee: None

E.       Student-Faculty Relations Committee: None

F.       Sustainability: Project Clean Air Clair is a go TGIF is funding


VII. Office Reports

A.      Office of the President: emailed out

B.      Office of the Executive Vice president: none

C.      Office of the Administrative Affairs vice president: none

D.      Office of the Academic Affairs vice president: Academic Debates; pornography.

            U-Teach: Teach your fellow students a seminar.

E.       Office of the Student Services vice president: This week: Thursday @ HIB 100 Tangled; Movie ASUCI. Ticket holders will go in first and anyone waiting will get let in if the ticket holders don't show.

Rally on Friday@5pm at the Bren for the Volleyball game.

            On Friday celebrating spirit days from 11am-2pm; those wearing UCI gear will get prizes!!!!!!!! EXCITING

            Next Week is Strickland's Fundraiser from 7-10pm on Wednesday, March 9th

            Trying to bring James Franco and Natalie Portman to UCI via a contest. The school with the most amount votes will get to watch the screening of their movie, "Your Highness".

VIII. Announcements

30 days until Omeid's Birthday.

            Revamp Council for next year

                        Have all execs all of leg council and some or all of the commissioners

                        5-6pm or 6-7pm on the Tuesday Meeting would be An all AS meeting.

IX. Adjournment

           Meeting Adjourned: Official Meeting Adjourned at 5:38pm