ASUCI Senate Minutes
Thursday, October 15, 2015

 Ø  Called to Order by Fung at 5:03

Ø  Attendance

    • Council member Vergara arrives late at 5:07 EVP Jermakian arrives late from an excused absence at 6:12

Ø  Approval of Minutes

    • Approved

Ø  Approval of Agenda

    • Khosravi: Motion to amend the agenda  Striking R51-02 Second: Carlson
    • Barnoy: Motion to move New Business item D to 6:15 Second: Carlson
    • Khosravi: Motion to move R51-15 to Old Business Second: Carlson
    • Approved
  • Guest List

Ø  Public Comment

    • Person (Darin/ Vendor fair commissioner): We all looking for support for our night market from 6-8pm

Ø  Executive Office Reports

o   President: Last week I released data from the SIRs so please look at the data from your school so that you have an idea of what your schools will look like soon. This past weekend we had the allUCI leadership conference and it was a success. We had our first allASUCI meeting last night. There will be an allASUCI meeting every third week so please come.

o   EVP: Working on the Million Student March and will have flyers for that at the next meeting. The Know Your Rights workshop is soon.

o   Admin Affairs: For night market we are working to make this an as large event as possible with lots of clubs and vendors. Garden will be hosting a research class in winter quarter. TGIF has launched in week one and they are reviewing all funding applications for constituent events. We are doing a lot of student health workshops soon and we are meeting with parking for the first time in years.

o   Student Services: Shocktoberfest is soon, as well as the free screening of Steve Jobs

Ø  Special Committee Reports

o   International Student Committee: Reviewing applicants for chair ship.

o   Parking Committee: We met last night and we decided to move parking to auxiliary Student Affairs, and we are meeting with Ron Fleming.

o   First Generation & Non-traditional Student Committee: We are still looking for applicants to be chairs and other members of that committee, please publicize this so we can interview people

o   Students with Disabilities Committee: We have appointed a chair for this committee as well as a co-chair. There is an application online and we are working to recruit people for that committee

o   Undocumented Students Committee: We are still discussing chair and co-chair for this committee

o   Transfer Student Committee: We have to folks who will be co-chairs for this committee

·         Fung: Seeing that the Business Relations Commissioner is here we will move on to item 6b on the agenda

Ø  Old Business


·         R51-03 Administration Affairs Commissioner Appointments 5:34

o   Khosravi: Motion to Table R51-03 until next week Second: Carlson

o   Phan: Motion to Amend R51-15 Second: Barnoy

§  Vote by Acclimation on the Amendment of R51-15 Passes 10-0-0 Yea: Carlson, Chavarin, Barnoy, Phan, Khandadash, Baranwal, Olvera, Vergara, Fatahi, Raza

Ø  New Business

·         Interview of Business Relations Commissioner 5:22

o    Interview will be off record

·         Interview of Garden & Sustainability Commissioner 5:36

    • Interview will be off record

·         Interview of Retention & Recruitment Commissioner 6:04

o   Interview will be off record

Ø  Council Intern Program Reports

o   Nothing in particular, we are working on several projects if you are curious pleas talk to Phan.

·         Fung: If there are no objections we will go into Committee Breakouts for 10 minutes 5:46

Ø  Committee Reports 6:02

    • Rules
      • SPFB interviews are right now, we will be holding the interviews in the Legislative Council office. Legislative Council appointment interviews will start next week.
    • Public Info
      • We are working on Legislative Council apparel and we are still working on marketing
    • Finance
      • We have created a list of things that need to be fixed in the ASUCI office that will cost a few thousand dollars. Additionally AnteaterTV will need $10000 for equipment for their new location. Finally we have been thinking about installing a high-tech lock system in the ASUCI offices; however this is in the very early stages.
    • Advocacy
      • Starting next week we will draft an email to the Student Resource Center to assess their equipment so that we can start working on a more long term computer loan program.

Ø  Immediate Business

  • Fung: Is there any immediate business that anyone would like to discuss
    • Barnoy: I would like to discuss the ASUCI lock system
    • Khosravi: In previous years this has been a big issue because of thefts that had happened. However that has been less of an issue in recent years, but we would still like to discuss this for safety and convenience reasons.
    • Phan: While we do want to keep ASUCI an open place for people to come in and enjoy, but we want to consider safety as well. Additionally, this is the sort of thing the reserve fund should be used for, long term investments that would improve the office in the long run. These locks would also create reviewable logs for additional security and the only person that would be able to view these logs would be Aaron.
    • Khosravi: There are more than 200 people who use our offices and I would like it to be more secure.

·         Fung passes chair to Jermakian

·         Khosravi: Motion to waive High School Projects Commissioner Interview Second: Carlson 6:18

§  Vote by acclimation to waive interview Passes 10-0-0 Yea: Carlson, Chavarin, Barnoy, Phan, Khandadash, Baranwal, Olvera, Vergara, Fatahi, Raza

Ø  School Breakouts 6:19

  • Jermakian: If there is no objection we will go into school breakouts for 5 minutes
  • Khosravi: Motion Adjourn Second: Raza

o   Meeting is Adjourned 6:24